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Dr. Wes Balda
As Dean and/or Executive Director, Dr. Wes Balda has led business schools and their initiatives, ranging from the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, George Fox University School of Management, University of Oregon, Centre for Advancing International Management - St. Georges University, Grenada, to the Robert P. Stiller School of Business at Champlain College in Vermont, USA. For much of this time, he concurrently served as President of The Simeon Institute, an educational nonprofit organization.
From serving on editorial boards of academic journals to publishing in a variety of genres Dr. Balda continues to write, most recently co-authoring “Xenophon to the Sustainable Development Goals : An interweaving of collective engagement” for the Springer Handbook series. As an academic administrator he has long supported faculty scholarship, including editing, manuscript review, and as a dissertation reader.
Dr. Balda received the Ph.D. in History, studying organizational sustainability, from the University of Cambridge, and continues to serve as President of the Simeon Institute, headquartered in Unity, Maine, USA.
25 Years of Accomplishments
- Children's Maritime Foundation collaborative launch of 501 (c)(3) organization, developing educational programs for the benefit of children to educate them as to maritime history and the maritime industry, including educational and historical trips.
- Academic Programs in the Caribbean designed, marketed and managed MBAs in Multi-Sector Healthcare Management and International Business, as well as dual degree programs in management for physicians and veterinarians in Grenada for an international university of 4,000 students.
- Cambridge Project Roundtables supporting various charitable efforts ranging from a collaboratively-developed study guide for a best-selling author to an egalitarian organization for gender equality.
- Higher Ed Crisis Management created a full-service process for colleges and universities to develop and test institutional emergency management plans and practices, while also meeting accreditation requirements.
- Los Angeles County Office of Public Safety, developing mission and strategic plan for new government entity combining all law enforcement functions in county.
- National Guard Interagency University emergency management project, National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C., design support leading to virtual university for Guard personnel in fifty states and four territories.
- USAID/Academy for Educational Development Designed and generated proposal for Disaster Relief Training Program, generated $1,000,000 in funding, managed six-month training program.
- Leadership Training USAID Creation of nonprofit and nongovernmental organization training program for senior executives and leaders from the former Soviet Union.
- USAID/Cabinet of Ministers-Ukraine Creation of research and policy group, called National Disaster Analytical Group, in Kiev to advise President Kuchma on disaster issues and Chornobyl response.
- Course development for USAID/Academy for Educational Development, titled Russia: Building Legal Capacity in the Third Sector
- Pacific Emergency Management Consortium Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CSTI, Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Los Angles County Sheriff’s Department, Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service International educational and research program for West Coast and Pacific Rim.
- Risk Communications course development USAID/Academy for Educational Development
- Crisis migration and complex emergency training program for nonprofit executives and government officials from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, assembling and supervising a faculty of fifteen nonprofit specialists from around the nation.
- Created and managed annual Cambridge Project RoundTable for leaders from academe, business, government and the third sector to donate their expertise to develop projects for other organizations, in a combination retreat and think-tank experience at the University of Cambridge, England.
- Developed curriculum of over two hundred course modules in disaster management.
- Supervised and managed the development of the Ukraine Disaster Manual, in collaboration with Civil Defence of Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Disaster Analytical Group, the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. State Department.
- Through joint consultations with leaders from new republics of the former U.S.S.R., developed nearly one hundred project areas in emergency management for future planning and response activity, structured to seek diverse funding from U.S. and European Community sources for completion.
- Established an extensive resource library of domestic and international disaster management materials for use in training programs, and produced translated training packages for international crisis managers. Emergency management materials are available in Russian, Ukrainian, some Chinese and English.
- Designed a program for training U.S. nonprofit leaders and senior executives of international NGOs in disaster management, to enable non-government managers to coordinate relief and rehabilitation efforts more effectively.
- Created the Taiwan Emergency Management Institute, assembling a one-month training curriculum in emergency management. Recruited faculty of disaster professionals, FEMA and state officials, and private sector instructors for the Institute in Taichung, Taiwan. (formed in coordination with World Vision of Taiwan.)
- Designed, directed and instructed in the first Taiwan Training Program for the National Fire Administration of Taiwan, with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Los Angeles Fire Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Emergency Services and CalPoly San Luis Obispo. Held Taiwan-based training for over 500 disaster managers, fire officials and police executives in Chaiyi, Taiwan. This was produced in collaboration with World Vision/Taiwan and the Republic of China, Ministry of the Interior.
- Developed certificate, credential and Master’s level programs in Emergency and Disaster Management, with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. A particular focus is on computer-based distance education and non-residential training for lay disaster response, including community leaders, school administrators, teachers, nonprofit leaders, business executives and religious representatives.
- Designed and managed websites, providing information in crisis communications, disaster management networks and organizations and course modules in disaster management.
- Air Support Programs Consultant for cities of Fremont, CA, Chula Vista, CA,. San Jose, CA, Oceanside, CA, Brea, CA, Torrance, CA. Citizen meetings, research, needs assessments, speeches before elected officials, financial analysis and preparation of multi-media presentations.